82: Is there a form of TS with an adult onset? I've been
struggling with an "adult onset tic disorder" for over 2
years now, both vocal and physical, quite a repertoire. Never a day
without it, often dozens of events in a day. I won't go into all the
tests and specialists ....I'm a scientist (biological microcopy) very
much into leading a balanced life and alternative medicine, and have
pretty much given up on websites, doctors, any type of treatment --
conventional or alternative -- this is just part of who I am now.
Anyway, do you think that information, research, whatever, about TS
can be relevant to someone who, by definition, can't have TS due to
the age of onset? I also have a more direct factual question: Can
the tics lead to other physical problems? My most common and violent
tic is a snapping of my head straight backward. Often very vocal as
well -- barking, gasping. Now my shoulders are sore all the time,
diagnosed as "shoulder impingement syndrome" could it be
related to my tics? Thanks in advance, G.M., ME., USA.
79: I am a 14 year-old boy who lives in north west New Jersey.
Ever since I was 7 I've had mild tics. They annoyed me but nothing more.
But the last month or so the tics have become increasingly worse. Everybody
notices....The thing is, I don't have T.S. I have been tested at least
5 times and all came out negative. I am a freshman in a public high
school and am in 4 out of 4 advanced placement classes. My question
is, if I don't have TS, what do I have, what's wrong with me, and how
can I stop. M.S.S., NY, USA.
78: I have one student, labelled with a developmental disability,
who deeply wants to be part of the regular grade 6 scene but has great
difficulty with anyone or anything which blocks or delays his general
wish of being included. I spoke to his father at length in December
about your reference to disinhibition difficulties and he did seem open
to the idea that something like that could be going on with his son.
Is a medical workup the place to start in case medication would help?
Or is there another point of entry that you would recommend? R.A. (special
education teacher), ON, Canada.
70: I developed motor tics about a year ago went to a neurologist
had the cat scan and was told it was either a motor tic that would go
away or possibly tourettes. He gave me a web site to read and sent me
on my way. Since then I have developed vocal tics and it sounds pretty
classic through the year for tourettes, except everything I have read
says it is not tourettes if the onset is not before the age of 21. Is
this true and then what is it called if it starts at the age of 43y/o.
Are there others that develop it at this age? C.M., WA, USA.
63: Our daughter Lil T. had a winter season in 2001 plagued
with numerous head colds, and sinus infections. She also came down with
2 bouts of strep throat....In January of this year (2002) Lil T. started
to sniff excessively! Her dad and I would remind her to use a tissue
if her nose was running. She would answer that her nose felt like there
was something in it. Then in May of this year we noticed the sniff being
replaced with the constant eye blinking and nose twitching. So we took
Lil T. to an allergist and had her tested for allergies. (She said her
eyes itched and they were blood shot!) They were negative according
to the doctor. He suggested that we have a cat scan of her sinus cavity
to check for polyps. Once again nothing showed up. From there we went
to the family physician and he checked up her nose and said it all looked
fine, but to have Lil T.'s eye checked by an eye specialist. The eye
specialist said her eyes are fine and gave us some saline drops to put
in her eyes....Lil T. is still blinking her eyes and twitching her nose,
(at times excessively). When her dad and I correct this tic/twitch she
says that her nose itches up inside and sometimes her eyes burn. The
weird part is that she doesn't take her hand and rub either. My husband
and I are having arguments between us about this being a "tic"
or if we should have her looked at by an ears, nose, throat specialist.
Lil T. is upset because we are constantly reminding her to stop the
twitching!!!!!!!!!! People around us have commented on Lil T.'s eye
blinking, nose twitching. A friend asked me if she has TS. I thought
TS was the verbal , very noticeable body jerking. I am not expecting
a miracle, just some help in diagnosing what is going on with our beautiful
8 year old daughter. I want the constant nagging to stop if our Lil
T. can't help this! Sorry for the long letter, but I have had this pent
up inside for quite awhile. God Bless, from Lil T.'s mom!
52: My son was recently dx with mild ts. He's had motor tics
for 2 years and just began having vocal tics. Here's my question: is
the ts dx accurate if he has only had vocal tics for 3 months? Thanks
for responding! J.
41: what was the easiest way to get Dx, without the doc missing
the Tourettes? [Also] You have said that TS is like having a little
kid in your head that copy and repeats movements which ends up being
tics. Does this apply to verbal/phonic tics? I can see how complex phonic
tics could be like that. But I can't see how this works with simple
phonic tics. R.J., CA, USA.
38: last year my 6 yr old son started to roll his eyes alot
this time of year, but then it seem to stop. when we asked the doctor
he said that it was nothing to worry about and if you did not point
it out it will most likely go away, and it he is 7 yrd old and
it started again and seems to be worse, and just yesterday I noticed
he was pushing his bottom lip out like a pout as well. I would like
to know what kind of doctor I should take him to so he can be looked
at properly. I am worried that this could be a serious medical condition,
and I don,t want to waste any time. I am very concerned please let me
know what you think. K.S., Il, USA
29: My son is almost 7 and has been diagnosed with TS. The
doctor says now he does not need medication. He has "mild TS".
What is considered "mild". Also, how common is TS? And what
are his chances of out growing it? N.W., ON, Canada.
22: My son is 5yrs old and he blinks or squints his eyes very
fast several times in a row constantly. He also clears his throat and
twitches his nose when he is doing the eye thing. Also he always has
a spot on top of his head where the hair is broken off from him pulling
and twisting it in his fingers. I really haven' t been able to determine
a pattern for all of these things because he does it so often, but I
do think he seems to do it more when he is tired, nervous or upset.
Could this be TS?
I think that it may be worth mentioning that the day that the eye blinking
first of the children had hit him in the head with a
toy gun....We went and picked him up and went to the eye doctor, thinking
that he could have scratched his eye. They couldn't find anything wrong
with his eye. The next day I took him to his pediatrician because he
was still blinking and he did have a visable but not significannt place
on his head behind his ear. Once again I was told that he was fine and
to use visine....Now it is about two years later and he is still twitching
and has added nose twithing, head to shoulder motions and he pulls his
hair....could a trauma produce or mimic the symptoms of TS? Tennessee,
20: I listened to the museum of vocal tics. And I have a question
because alot of the vocal tics exampled a sense of compulsion, which
I know identifies TS. But what about vocalization that is often repeated
without the thrusts but just sounds like silliness? And mind you I emphasize
"often repeated." Does this qualify as a TS vocal tic. My
husband does repeated phrases. And our son does repeated songs, sounds
and phrases, continually. I hope to get him a diagnosis by a professional
but he is only 5 and I want to see what may change or not. thank you
---- S.H., Texas, USA.
12: great website and great source for support! i was wanting
to ask a few questions....
what exactly is the difference between a tic disorder and tourette's?
2. is tourette's related to or a form of the disorder known as "chorea"?
at what age did your tourette's appear? and how?
6: My son is 15 years old and has TS. We have not been officially
diagnosed, but has been diagnosed with ADHD and Bi-polar in the past.
He has had symptoms since about 6 years of age, and was diagnosed with
"Multiple Tic Syndrome" ?? at age 9. I am just looking for
help and support for him. His tics have gotten worse in the past year
or so -- more often. Do they get worse with age ?? Any advise or info
is appreciated. M.G.W., Kentucky, USA.