That can of Spam has been on
the Titanic, and has been photographed with over 200 celebrities
around the world. But I bet it had never been ticced at before.... :)
Taken at the 18th Annual Gemini
Awards (2003, Toronto, ON)
Brain Stimulation (DBS) as a new potential treatment for Tourette Syndrome.
original press release from the University Hospitals of Cleveland
is available here.
McKinlay explains more about what DBS is, what all the hype is about,
and what to think about these new exciting results here.
the official press release of the Tourette Syndrome Foundation of
Canada and Tourette Syndrome Association here.
a Twitch is making waves across the world! We have just been
awarded the Second Prize in the category "Education à la
santé" (Health Education) at this year's Le Festival International
du Film de Santé (International Health Film Festival) in Liege,
Belgium. The festival ran from March 9 to 13, 2004. More information
on the festival is available at www.imagesante.org
McKinlay registered: On December 3rd, 2003 at 1:30 p.m. Dr.
McKinlay underwent an oral examination by 3 members of the the College
of Psychologists of Ontario. Having spent 1500 hours in supervised practice
(meaning two registered psychologists regularly met with Dr. McKinlay
to discuss clinical and ethical issues, and to co-sign his reports)
and having already written a major factual exam and a jurisprudence
exam, this was the final step in becoming fully registered as a autonomous
practitioner. Dr. McKinlay's oral examination committee unanimously
recommended a "Pass" to 'unleash' (their words!) Dr. McKinlay
upon the profession.
Dr. McKinlay is now a fully registered Psychologist working with children
and adolescents in the areas of school and clinical psychology. While
Dr. McKinlay doesn't plan to begin a private practice immediately, he
will be seeing clients and consulting through the Child and Parent Resource
Institute (CPRI) in London, Ontario.
He will also continue his presentations, has plans to teach at the University
of Western Ontario, and can be available for scheduling consultations.
Digest: The November 2003 edition of Reader's Digest Canada
was released on October 16th -- one of the feature articles (page 90)
is on Tourette Syndrome, using a profile of my life to help increase
awareness. Shelley Greer (the author) put a tremendous amount of effort
into this piece, and deserves many, many kudos for her care and diligence.
The website (www.readersdigest.ca) has subscription information, but
does not display the articles.
Landers book: On Friday October 17th I received in the mail
a 1st print hardcover copy of a new book commemorating Ann Lander's
life. Written by her editor at the Chicago Tribune (Rick Kogan) and
entitled America's Mom, it is a beautiful salute to this fine woman.
Mr. Kogan contacted me about a year ago for an interview; he had learned
my story about being diagnosed with TS through one of Ann Landers' columns.
I was thrilled to participate in the project, and now things have come
'full circle' as there is a section in the book about TS and Ann Lander's
impact on myself and the TS world. I couldn't be happier to contribute
in some small way to her remembrance, and suggest that, TS coverage
or not, this is a fabulous book to have.
A Twitch: The Documentary goes to the Gemini's: The Gemini
Awards (Canada's equivalent to the Academy Awards) are presented by
the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television. Life's A Twitch has been
nominated in two categories for the 18th Annual awards show:
- Best
Science, Technology, Nature, Environment or Adventure Documentary
- Best
Picture Editing in a Documentary Program or Series
The Gemini
Documentary, News and Sports Gala will take place on October 18, 2003.
Awards will be handed out at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. "This
year marks the first year [the Academy] will be presenting the Gemini
Documentary, News and Sports Awards Gala evening, showcasing awards
that reflect the changes in Canada's television community and highlighting
the remarkable achievements made is these areas". The event will
not be televised.
the Academy's website and learn more about the Geminis by clicking on
March 11, 2003 the College of Psychologists of Ontario issued a Certificate
of Registration Authorizing Supervised Practice as a Psychologist to
B. Duncan McKinlay (backdated to December 11, 2002). This certification
means that Dr. McKinlay can now officially be recognized as a Psychologist
(under supervision) in the province of Ontario. It also permits Dr.
McKinlay to now study for and take a number of examinations that, if
passed, license him to independently practice as a Psychologist in the
province of Ontario as of December 10th, 2003. Only at that time can
Dr. McKinlay then consider taking private clients. The 9 month countdown
June 6th and 7th, McMaster University's president and Alumni Association
will honour Dr. B. Duncan McKinlay with a 2003 McMaster Arch Award.
As one of 5 inaugural recipients, Dr. McKinlay is to be recognized for
his academic success and for turning his personal struggle with Tourette
Syndrome into a message of hope and understanding for others. A dinner
on June 6th for the recipients will be hosted by the president of the
university, and an official ceremony will be held on the 7th in coordination
with McMaster's 2003 Alumni
Weekend. Dr. McKinlay can invite as many friends, relatives, classmates
and colleagues as he would like to the ceremony, to be held in Convocation
Hall at 3:00 p.m. after a 2:00 p.m. reception.
Landers Obituary
Pauline Lederer, known to the world as Ann Landers, died Saturday, June
22, 2002. We at Creators Syndicate are deeply saddened by this loss
to us individually and to newspaper readers around the world. When Eppie
Lederer took over the Ann Landers column in 1955, no one, including
her, realized the tremendous impact she would have on all of us. Ann
Landers was someone people could confide in, when they had nowhere else
to turn. She was someone people could rely on for straightforward advice
-- no nonsense came from her pen. She was a faithful friend to those
in need. And she changed newspapers forever, becoming an intrinsic part
of the American culture: Everyone knows Ann Landers.
S. Newcombe, president of Creators Syndicate, said he was personally
saddened more than anything else.
the last 18 years, Eppie was one of my closest personal friends,"
he said. "During many stretches of time, we would talk every day.
I was in the enviable position of being able to ask Ann Landers for
advice whenever I wanted -- and she always gave great advice. She was
a fount of common sense and had an incredibly positive attitude. She
always offered encouragement, whether it was about how to bring up my
children or what kind of house we should buy -- and of course she was
instrumental in my decision to found Creators Syndicate. As the first
columnist to join us, she made this company possible.
had several conversations about whether the column should continue after
her death, and we agreed that the Ann Landers column would end when
her life ended. The last column she wrote will be released on July 27.
That will be the last column with Ann Landers' byline."
Syndicate will offer a farewell column written by Ann Landers' daughter,
Margo Howard. A moving tribute to her mother, it will be for release
Monday, June 24. Since Ann Landers wrote her column through the release
of July 27, these columns will be run through that date.
the blessing of Ann Landers' daughter, Creators Syndicate will be providing
two advice columns: one written by the two people who have worked most
closely with Ann Landers for the past 30 years and the other written
by Margo Howard.
the last several years, Margo has been writing an advice column called
Dear Prudence for Slate, the online magazine. Newcombe says, "Eppie
repeatedly told me how proud she was of her daughter for writing this
Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, who have been editing Ann Landers' column
for 30 and 20 years respectively, will write a column called Annie's
Mailbox seven days a week in the same style as Ann Landers. We have
entrusted them with this column because of their close and long-term
relationship with Ann Landers.
Howard says, "Combining the generational difference and their breadth
of experience working with my mother, Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar
will meld the Ann Landers approach with a new-century, modern spin.
They are the perfect pair to continue the tradition of sound, sparkling,
tell-it-like-it-is advice."
world is a lot less bright now that Eppie Lederer is gone, but it is
also so much better because she lived. We thank you, Ann Landers, and
we thank you, Eppie, for sharing your words of wisdom, common sense
and good cheer. They will remain in our hearts forever.
Readers: I write to you today in my mother's stead. She had wanted to
write her farewell column herself, but things did not work out that
way. We talked about it, though, and she was quite clear about what
she would have said. So I shall say it for her. She felt profoundly
privileged to have been able to shed some light and offer guidance for
46 years ... more than half her life. This column was her mission, her
raison d'etre, and she worked on it, daily, until the end.
believed she got as much sustenance from you, her readers, as you got
from her. The chance to come into your homes and into your lives meant
the world to her. And she was convinced that if any one thing could
serve as a solution to all manner of problems, it was kindness.
more senior among you might remember when she announced that she and
my father were parting after many years. In that shorter-than-usual
column, she asked her editors to leave a white space at the bottom,
as a memorial to quite a good marriage that didn't make it to the finish
line. I would ask her editors again, today, to leave a white space ...
this time in honor of a gutsy, old-school newspaper dame who believed
there was no better job in all the world and who would, if she could
have, wished you a fond and grateful farewell herself. And she wanted
you to know that hers had been "a simply wonderful ride."
-- Margo Howard
October 4, 2001
Donald Cohen, 61, Noted Child Psychiatrist, Dies
Donald J. Cohen, a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who as the director
of Yale University's renowned Child Study Center reshaped the field
of child psychiatry, died in New Haven on Tuesday. He was 61.
cause was ocular melanoma, a rare form of cancer, his colleagues at
Yale said.
Cohen was known for his scientific work, including fundamental contributions
to the understanding of autism, Tourette's syndrome and other illnesses,
and for his leadership in bringing together the biological and the psychological
approaches to understanding psychiatric disorders in childhood.
research included work on the roots of personality development, the
interaction of biological and environmental factors in psychiatric illnesses,
the effects of acute and long-term stresses on child development and
new drug treatments for Tourette's syndrome.
he also offered a thoughtful voice at times when the nation was troubled
and perplexed by its children, when teenagers went on shooting rampages
or 6-year-olds turned guns on their classmates.
can blame a parent only until you've become a parent," Dr. Cohen
said after the shootings at Columbine High School in Colorado in 1999.
He said the challenge was to distinguish the normal experimentation
and idiosyncrasy of adolescence from the signs of more serious emotional
in his efforts to persuade policy makers to devote more money to research
and clinical services for children, Dr. Cohen commented at the time:
"This country doesn't think as much about its children and their
future as it does about how to clean up streams."
David A. Kessler, dean of Yale's School of Medicine and a former commissioner
of the Food and Drug Administration, said, "Donald Cohen really
moved child psychiatry into the biological era, but he continued to
put emphasis on the psychological and social aspects affecting child
Cohen was also widely known for the programs he helped establish in
the United States and abroad to help children affected by violence and
Child Study Center, where Dr. Cohen had been director since 1983, was
designated by the Department of Justice as the site of the National
Center for Children Exposed to Violence.
colleagues, Dr. Cohen established the International Working Group on
Children and War, a coalition of researchers and clinicians.
fostered the development of the next generation of academic child psychiatrists
from many countries, in Europe, Korea, China, as well as Israel,"
said Dr. James F. Leckman, a professor of psychiatry at Yale, who worked
closely with Dr. Cohen.
Leckman and other colleagues cited Dr. Cohen's ability to put children
and adults at ease in clinical interviews.
kids, he was just magical," said Dr. Joseph L. Woolston, also a
professor of psychiatry at Yale.
example, Dr. Leckman said, Dr. Cohen might chat with a 6-year- old boy
about his pet fish or his baseball cards and then show the child his
own rock collection.
be a good child psychiatrist, you have to be a child at heart,"
Dr. Leckman said, "and Donald was always willing to be sort of
down there on the floor with the kids."
Jay Cohen was born on Sept. 5, 1940, in Chicago, the son of a businessman.
He once told a colleague that as a student he honed his fund-raising
skills working as a copy writer for a mail order catalog, extolling
the virtues of women's hats and other merchandise.
from Brandeis University in 1961, he received a Fulbright fellowship
to study philosophy at Cambridge University. In 1966, he graduated from
Yale's School of Medicine and completed his training in psychiatry at
Massachusetts Mental Health Center and Children's Hospital in Boston.
Cohen wrote more than 400 books and professional articles. Among many
other positions, he was president of the International Association of
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions and vice president
of Yale's board of governors.
year, he was named the Sterling Professor of Child Psychiatry, Pediatrics
and Psychology. At the time of his death, he was also a training and
supervising analyst at the Western New England Institute of Psychoanalysis
and a member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of
Cohen, a Jew, blended a profound spirituality with a broad understanding
of science and clinical work, his colleagues and friends said.
scholarship centered on the deepest questions of the interface between
biology and psychology," Dr. Kessler wrote in a memorandum to the
Yale faculty.
recognition of his contributions, the Cohen-Harris Center for the Study
of Trauma was recently established by Tel Aviv University and the Tel
Aviv Mental Health Center.
Cohen is survived by his wife, Phyllis Cohen, also a psychoanalyst on
the faculty of the Child Study Center; four children, Matthew, of Glasgow,
Scotland, Rebecca Martin of New Haven, Rachel Goldstein of Manhattan
and Joseph, a senior at Yale; his mother, Rose Cohen of Woodbridge,
Conn.; and five grandchildren.
an announcement that the TS community should hear??
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